Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2023

Hello Everyone! The month that Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros took the world by storm and made all of us lose our collective minds. The hype is 100% real. During the month of May, I read 7 books. I think May might be my best reading month of 2023 with Fourth Wing and Forget Me … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | April 2023

Hello Everyone! Now that I'm reviewing what I read throughout the month of April, I'm realizing didn't have a great reading month. I didn't like most of the books I read and my best books of the month are rereads. During the month of April, I read 9 books. Of those 9, two were rereads … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | April 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | February 2023

Hello everyone! During the month of February I read 7 books. That's a little on the light side for me, but work has been exhausting and Hogwarts Legacy has also been consuming a lot of my time. I’ve also been having a hard time finding motivation to work on the blog. Hence, why this post … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | February 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2023

Hello everyone! During the month of January, I read 8 books. January was a very meh reading month for me. I'm happy Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson was fantastic, but it's really the only book that stands out. So, here are some stats! Number of pages read: 3113Number of print books: 4Number … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | November 2022

Hello Everyone! During the month of November, I read 10 books! My top books of the month were truly fantastic So, here are some stats! Number of pages read: Number of print books: 3Number of e-books: 7Favourite quote of the month:Β  β€œRosalyn Graham,Will you be my best friend?My roommate?My Dancing Queen?My experiment life partner?My heart.Will … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | November 2022

Monthly Wrap-Up | October 2022

Hello Everyone! I read 10 books and 4 of those were rereads. Overall, it was a pretty solid reading month with my rereads being the standout books. I didn't get to read any fanfiction this month, but I'll definitely be rectifying that in November. So, here are some stats! Number of pages read: Number of … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | October 2022

Monthly Wrap-Up | August 2022

Hello Everyone! August was a fairly disappointing reading month. I only read 8 books, though two of them were on the chunkier side. I've been experiencing quite a bit of eye pain while reading and using the computer so I haven't been able to read as much as I would have liked. I bound some … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | August 2022

Monthly Wrap-Up | June 2022

Hello everyone! June was another fantastic reading month! Though I did read a few duds, I also read two books that will most likely make my top books of 2022 and continued my reread of Mistborn with The Well of Ascension. During the month of June, I read 11 books. So, here are some stats! … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | June 2022