Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2024

Hello everyone! During the month of May, I read 10 books. So, here are some stats! Number of pages read: 4019Number of print books: 7Number of e-books: 3Favourite quote of the month: β€œHe'll be my oasis, and I'll be his. He'll save his best words for me, and I'll save mine for him.”  – This … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up | March 2024

Hello everyone! Incoming cliche.... March flew by. It was another month of catching up on upcoming ARCs. March is probably my weakest month so far in terms of reading enjoyment. Even my best books of the month will probably not make my top books of 2024. During the month of March, I read 8 books. … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | March 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2023

Hello Everyone! 2023 here and gone, can you believe it? Honestly, 2023 was simultaneously the worst and best year of my life. I lost my dog at the end of 2022, went on two incredible trips, and left a toxic job to name a few notable events. Here's to 2024! But before closing 2023 entirely, … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | March 2022

Hello everyone! March was a spectacular reading month for me! I managed to read 11 books and they were all pretty great. March was a wild month. Brandon Sanderson surprised everyone with 5 secret novels. 4 of which were available for purchase through a Kickstarter. This Kickstarter broke records and has forever proved Sanderson is … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | March 2022

Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2021

Hello everyone! We finally made it to the end of 2021, but it was just another lost year to throw in the pile with 2020. Before looking fully to 2022, it's time to look back on the last month of 2021. During the month of December, I read 11 books! Check em out! So, here … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2021

Monthly Wrap-Up | July 2021

Hello everyone! It's a holiday here in Canada, so I hope all my fellow Canadians are having a great long weekend! I didn't get as much reading done as I wanted to this month, but work has been pretty hectic lately and I went to visit my parents for the first time since last September. … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | July 2021

Monthly Wrap-Up | March 2018

Hello everyone andΒ welcome to my April 2018 wrap-up! During the month of April, I read 14 books. It was a mediocre month. The first two books are the best books I read this month from two very different genres then the rest are in the order I read them. A lot of these reviews are … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | March 2018