Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2024

Hello everyone! During the month of May, I read 10 books. So, here are some stats! Number of pages read: 4019Number of print books: 7Number of e-books: 3Favourite quote of the month: β€œHe'll be my oasis, and I'll be his. He'll save his best words for me, and I'll save mine for him.”  – This … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2022

Hello everyone! May was a crazy month! I got a promotion at work, I turned 30, and a huge storm hit the city I live in knocking out power for almost a week. I wish I could say I got a lot of reading done because of the loss of power, but that's just not … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2022

Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2021

Hello everyone! May was a busy month on the blog. I've gotten so far ahead with reviews lately that almost all the reviews I posted this month were for books I read last month. This month I read only fantasy and romance novels. I've been in a fantasy and romance mood lately, so I'm glad … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2021

Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2020

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well and staying safe. Last month we moved! It was time to finally get out of the stuffy apartment. It certainly wasn't easy moving in the middle of a pandemic, but worth it for more space and a backyard. Things have been ramping up at work as restrictions slowly … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2020

Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2019

Hey everyone! May wasn't the greatest reading month for me since I only read 8 books. Work has started to pick up, so I don't have as much time to read as I did before. I started Priory of the Orange Tree a few days ago and won't finish it this month, but I think … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2019

Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2018

Hello everyone andΒ welcome to my May 2018 wrap-up! During the month of May, I read 15 books. It was another mediocre month. The first two books are the best books I read this month from two very different genres then the rest are in the order I read them. A lot of these reviews are … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2018