Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2024

Hello everyone! Welcome to 2024! Luckily January flew by because I am currently reading what almost everyone else is reading, House of Flame and Shadow! I had a great reading month in terms of quantity, but the quality was so so. I read a lot of ARCs I was slacking on and still have more … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2023

Hello everyone! During the month of January, I read 8 books. January was a very meh reading month for me. I'm happy Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson was fantastic, but it's really the only book that stands out. So, here are some stats! Number of pages read: 3113Number of print books: 4Number … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2021

Hello and welcome to 2021! Congratulations! You made it through the first month of 2021. For me, this past month was more of the same: reading, working, and watching Survivor. Since last summer, my husband and I have been watching Survivor. We are currently watching season 22. Despite every season being essentially the same thing, … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2021

Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2020

Hello everyone!Β  Welcome to my first wrap-up of 2020. I started off 2020 with a bang by reading 10 books! I don't know where I found the time to read, but I'm glad I did. I'll be starting a new job this month that will demand even more of my time. This year, I'm using … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2020

Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2019

Welcome 2019! January has come and gone more quickly than I thought it would. Usually, January feels like the longest month but not this year! This month I was able to read 8Β books and 2 graphic novels. I thoroughly enjoy almost all of them, so I started my reading year off on a high. I … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2019