Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2021

Hello everyone! We finally made it to the end of 2021, but it was just another lost year to throw in the pile with 2020. Before looking fully to 2022, it's time to look back on the last month of 2021. During the month of December, I read 11 books! Check em out! So, here … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2021

Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2019

Happy Holidays everyone! 2019 flew by. This is definitely a cliche, but the year really did go by quickly, at least for me. I got two new jobs within the same company and I'm still looking to move up. During the month of December, I focused on rereads and ARCs for the upcoming year. Most … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2019

Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2018

Hey everyone! Another month come and gone. During the month of December I was only able to read 8 books because of the holidays and a few of books I read were longer. As usual, I feature my top two books of the month from differing genres.     City of Stairs an incredible fantasy … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | December 2018