Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2024

Hello everyone! During the month of May, I read 10 books. So, here are some stats! Number of pages read: 4019Number of print books: 7Number of e-books: 3Favourite quote of the month: β€œHe'll be my oasis, and I'll be his. He'll save his best words for me, and I'll save mine for him.”  – This … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up | April 2024

Hello Everyone! Can you believe it's May already? April was a decent reading month for me. I caught up on ARCs and rediscovered my love of fantasy novels, so I'll be reading more of them going froward. During the month of April, I read 8 books. So, here are some stats! Number of pages read: … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | April 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up | March 2024

Hello everyone! Incoming cliche.... March flew by. It was another month of catching up on upcoming ARCs. March is probably my weakest month so far in terms of reading enjoyment. Even my best books of the month will probably not make my top books of 2024. During the month of March, I read 8 books. … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | March 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up | February 2024

Hello everyone! Spring is around the corner and I cannot wait! House of Flame and Shadow is here and now gone. Lots of mixed reviews. My own included. On to the hype for ACOTAR 5! During the month of February, I read 9 books. So, here are some stats! Number of pages read: 3387Number of … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | February 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2024

Hello everyone! Welcome to 2024! Luckily January flew by because I am currently reading what almost everyone else is reading, House of Flame and Shadow! I had a great reading month in terms of quantity, but the quality was so so. I read a lot of ARCs I was slacking on and still have more … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | January 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up | November 2023

Hello everyone! I did a lot of rereading in the month of November. I HAD to reread Fourth Wing before Iron Flame and I started my reread of Sarah J. Maas in anticipation of House of Flame and Shadow. During the month of November I read 8 books. So, here are some stats! Number of … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | November 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | October 2023

Hello everyone! I didn't read as much as I would have liked, but I was traveling for most of the month so I'm happy I read as much as I did. I didn't read the books I wanted to, but I wasn't about to traipse across Europe with my physical TBR. During the month of … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | October 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | September 2023

Hello everyone! I definitely had a better reading month than August. In terms of both amount read and star ratings. It felt good. I played catch up with ARCs. One of my goals for the year was to not request as many ARCs, but I ended up justifying my requests by saying the books weren't … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | September 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | August 2023

Hello everyone! August was a bit of a slower reading month for me. I finally managed to finish The Auction by LovesBitca8 and immediately started typesetting it so I can bind it. If you're interested, check out my book binding Instagram account @Nadines_book_bindery. During the month of August, I read 7 books. So, here are … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | August 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2023

Hello Everyone! The month that Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros took the world by storm and made all of us lose our collective minds. The hype is 100% real. During the month of May, I read 7 books. I think May might be my best reading month of 2023 with Fourth Wing and Forget Me … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | May 2023