Monthly Wrap-Up | November 2023

Hello everyone! I did a lot of rereading in the month of November. I HAD to reread Fourth Wing before Iron Flame and I started my reread of Sarah J. Maas in anticipation of House of Flame and Shadow. During the month of November I read 8 books. So, here are some stats! Number of … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up | November 2023

Iron Flame (The Empyrean #2) – Rebecca Yarros

Genre: Fantasy, RomancePublisher: Red Tower Books Pages: 623Release Date: November 7, 2023 “The first year is when some of us lose our lives. The second year is when the rest of us lose our humanity.” —Xaden Riorson Everyone expected Violet Sorrengail to die during her first year at Basgiath War College—Violet included. But Threshing was … Continue reading Iron Flame (The Empyrean #2) – Rebecca Yarros

WWW Wednesday | November 15, 2023

“Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at. No blog? No problem! Just leave a comment with your responses. Please, take some time … Continue reading WWW Wednesday | November 15, 2023

Monthly TBR | November 2023

Hello everyone! November marks the beginning of my Sarah J. Maas reread in preparation for House of Flame and Shadow! I'm also planning on reading some arcs so that I don't fall behind as well as my physical TBR that is starting to get out of control. There have been too many releases lately! Did … Continue reading Monthly TBR | November 2023