Monthly Wrap-Up | August 2023

Hello everyone!

August was a bit of a slower reading month for me. I finally managed to finish The Auction by LovesBitca8 and immediately started typesetting it so I can bind it. If you’re interested, check out my book binding Instagram account @Nadines_book_bindery.

During the month of August, I read 7 books.

So, here are some stats!

Number of pages read: 3304
Number of print books: 2
Number of e-books: 5
Favourite quote of the month:

“And once they’ve underestimated you — strike.” – The Auction, LovesBitca8

I usually feature my top two favourite books of the months from differing genres, but in August only one book book qualified as the best.

The Auction is addicting and indulgent. It’s 800 pages of tension and spice between Hermione and Draco. Though, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. The Auction is dark with multiple trigger warnings. So, be warned.

Read for free HERE!

I really wanted to love The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi but the characters and writing fell flat. DNF

Wildfire, like its predecessor, addresses a more serious topic while giving readers a romance full of delicious tension and angst. Four Stars

Fall of Ruin and Wrath is an excellent introduction to this new world where pleasure is king and everything is not as it seems. Four Stars

Unfortunately Yours is an entertaining marriage of convenience romance with plenty of spice. Three Stars

A Queen of Thieves & Chaos opens the world through not only its world building but additional chapter points of views. The slow build up results in an explosive final few chapters but ends abruptly. It will surely leave readers desperate for the next book. Four Stars

You, Again… Full review to come!

What was your favourite read of August?

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